Episode 178: Andy Blow of Precision Hydration Answers Your Hydration and Fueling Questions
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We are thick into the 2021 race season and the most common questions we receive are always centered around hydration and fueling during training and racing. Because education is at the forefront of both Purple Patch and Precision Hydration, we’re proud to welcome back Precision Hydration founder, Andy Blow, to answer your questions.
Precision Hydration is, first and foremost, a hydration company, but they have recently expanded into new fueling products that include gels and a carb drink mix, with bars and chews coming soon. Andy explains why the timing was right to expand their product line and how they were all designed to keep your fueling strategy simple and effective.
Of course, Matt puts Andy on the hot seat to answer your questions:
It is going to take me 13-14 hours for my IRONMAN. Do you really expect me to consume 4000+ calories worth of sugar in my race? I will become diabetic before T2. There must be some more pragmatic advice for the 11+ hour club?
What is the glucose-fructose-other sugars ratio of the PH gels?
I’ve heard women metabolize differently depending on the time in their cycle m/life- would Andy agree and any special considerations for how to practice when we have so many variables going on?
I’d love to hear some advice on how to determine if hydration/salt deficiency is a contributor to cramps.
Does Andy recommend a specific testing protocol to help identify how much salt and water we need to take in during different intensities or conditions?
Does an athlete need to consume a certain amount of water with the new gels in order to maximize their effectiveness?
The new drink mix contains maltodextrin. What are the advantages to maltodextrin as opposed to other sports drink mixes that rely on other carbohydrates?
General recommendations for how much fluid to replace per hour?
On the replacement fluid - does every bottle of replacement fluid need sodium?
Andy Blow of Precision Hydration
Andy Blow is a Sports Scientist with a degree in Sports and Exercise Science from the University of Bath. An expert in sweat, dehydration, and cramping, Andy previously worked as the Team Sports Scientist for the Benetton and Renault Formula 1 teams, and remains an adviser to the Porsche Human Performance Centre.
An elite-level triathlete in his younger days, Andy has finished in the top-10 of Ironman and IM 70.3 races, as well as winning an Xterra World title.
It was Andy's own struggles with cramp and hydration that led to him specializing in electrolyte replenishment and founding Precision Hydration.
Andy is a leading figure in the world of sports hydration and has worked alongside Dr Raj Jutley, as well as other top sports scientists, to co-author a number of studies and books.
Episode and Purple Patch Resources
Precision Hydration - use code: PURPLEPATCH_SQ93 for discount
Jen Sygo paper about female athlete carb needs: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34015236/
Quick carb calculator direct link:
Does the type of carb matter? https://www.precisionhydration.com/performance-advice/nutrition/energy-product-carb-types-review/
Can you take more than 90g of carb per hour? https://www.precisionhydration.com/performance-advice/nutrition/athletes-more-than-90-grams-carbs-carbohydrates-per-hour/
PH sample pack (gels + drink mix): https://www.precisionhydration.com/eu/en/products/precision-fuel-sample-pack/
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