Episode 150: Let's Get Cracking: Race-Ready Fitness Starts Now

Yes, we're still in the midst of it all and racing feels like a way off, but it is time to begin to build your base for performance. Yes...starting NOW. I don’t want you to let this opportunity bypass you.

Admittedly the postseason/prep-phase of training is not usually the favorite of athletes and yet, it’s so critical that you can’t be race-ready without it. 

The problem with this kind of preparation is that the real rewards of this kind of training can only be seen in the rearview mirror. You can’t make up deficits in this early work later in the season because you will be neck-deep in other goals. So our goal, therefore, is to build sustainable consistency with specificity that fits into the context of our lives.

This is where the all-important ARTERY SESSIONS come into play.

Artery Sessions are designed to help you put your finger on the "pulse" of your performance and provide a sense of continuity as your training progresses. The workouts will retain a familiar feel, but evolve through the season.

This is Essential: Don’t think of these as benchmark tests. Instead, you are looking for a real read on physiological progress, so trying to redline to improve your time will only fool you into thinking your threshold is higher than it really is. 

Even if immediate racing plans are murky, I encourage you to lean into ARTERY sessions -- that can run like an artery through your season -- to track and monitor the progress and effectiveness of your training.

What are these magical sessions that Purple Patch embraces throughout the year? You get to preview 12 of them!

This is a wonderful time to begin training with a purpose and the artery sessions are your backbone that you come to every three weeks. Apply patience, seek mini-victories, and build a massive season of performance.

Episode and Purple Patch Coaching Resources

Sign Up to Receive our Free Artery Sessions for Swim, Bike and Run: https://www.purplepatchfitness.com/arterysessions

Email info@purplepatchfitness.com for questions about Strength Programs and Team Training.

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